
This is the page people often find the hardest to write. The most important thing to remember is that your About page isn’t really a biography or description. Instead, it should briefly introduce you and your website, give your visitors a reason to care, and then direct them to what you want them to do next. This will depend on the type of blog you have and what your goals are.

It’s up to you how you structure your About page, but it could be something like this:

1. Introduce yourself – A few sentences about you, your life and background, personality, achievements. If you want to work with brands, give some information about traits that would make you a good pick, for example sticking to deadlines, can-do attitude, any past writing or marketing you’ve done.

2. Introduce your blog – What’s your blog about and why should people care? If your main objective is to get people to read your posts, include a few links to your most popular posts. If you have any digital products or services, for example ebooks or virtual assistant packages, this is a great opportunity to showcase them.

3. Call to action – About pages are often the most visited page on any website, so it’s essential you make the most of it with a clear call to action. What do you want your visitor to do next? Maybe it’s checking out your latest post, or heading to your contact page, or following you on social media, or shopping your items, or visiting a popular post you want to drive more traffic to. The temptation here is to throw out links to everything that’s important to you, but just have one instruction and link for them to follow to avoid distractions.

Tip: If you struggle to talk about yourself, ask a friend to describe you (or even switch and write for each other. Even if they aren’t a blogger, they may want a summary of themselves for LinkedIn, another social network or dating website, or their resume). If you have any positive reports or testimonials about yourself from anything, e.g. school or client work or volunteering or career references or even a hobby, like musical theatre, you could make use of those too.